0 Download Bank of america scama 2017 | Smart | Undetected | PHP+HTML5

Today i have a done a new Scam page for Bankofamerica with powerful features to make it hard to detect ,what is make it powerful is because it coded with PHP and html5

Here's some of the main features of it:

1. To avoid detection:
- Blacklist contains most security companies IP address, they will see 404 not found page

- A small script to check the hostname of the visitor, if it contain something like google,amazon.etc. they will blocked and 404 not found page will appear.

- A script to encrypt the source code with a unique one for every new visit

- Dynamic URL Parameters

- robots.txt file to block search engines

2. For social engineering:

- The page will not accept invalid data, it check the data using php, if some of the data is invalid an alert message will appear to correct the

- The Userid will printed in the next page

- Credit card validation. it will check if the card number correct or not, will not accept invalid cards numbers

- Processing page
- Confirmation page
