0 Download SQLi Dumper v.7 Inc License Key Free

Its used To Get Card Databases via sql injection. Its the succsessor to havij. Its better faster and more secure. You can download card databases and resell them. The things you can get with this tool isnt only limited to credit card numbers if you use it well you can eve get DOB and SSN of the victim.

Download: http://viid.me/q0Uxd6

0 Download Bank of america scama 2017 | Smart | Undetected | PHP+HTML5

Today i have a done a new Scam page for Bankofamerica with powerful features to make it hard to detect ,what is make it powerful is because it coded with PHP and html5

Here's some of the main features of it:

1. To avoid detection:
- Blacklist contains most security companies IP address, they will see 404 not found page

- A small script to check the hostname of the visitor, if it contain something like google,amazon.etc. they will blocked and 404 not found page will appear.

- A script to encrypt the source code with a unique one for every new visit

- Dynamic URL Parameters

- robots.txt file to block search engines

2. For social engineering:

- The page will not accept invalid data, it check the data using php, if some of the data is invalid an alert message will appear to correct the

- The Userid will printed in the next page

- Credit card validation. it will check if the card number correct or not, will not accept invalid cards numbers

- Processing page
- Confirmation page


0 HMRC Tax Refund Scam Page 2016 - undetectable

Hello This is the ultimate hmrc scam page for 2016


0 Paypal Account Checker

Download New Software Paypal Account Checker
Paypal Account Checker

0 Cardable Hosting & VPS NON VBV[good]

Hello guys,

A friend shared this with me and I want to share it with you as well. Here is a cardable domain and hosting website. I've registered 2 domains, one week ago and they are still up!

Address is: http://www.disktogo.net/

Socks 5 or VPN
USE FRESH CC, not from forum or mirc
BIN: Any bin, site is non vbv / secure code enrolled.
Billing: Put real billing, real cc name and address. They don;t check, lol!
Wait a few hours and you will have your account setup.

And it's cheaaaap!!!


0 Paypal,Chase,Apple,Skrill scampage 2017 + private mailer +letter + proof full


Undetected + True login + full infos - undetected (anti fishing) -Auto detect country -Have good verification of all entrer information -Auto protection BOTs (auto update black list) -Mini information checker -Multi encryption and bypass all AV (Never Down) -Multi sending possibility news : I add -Auto language -Auto update -Fixed bug , page bank inf Paypal​




DOWNLOAD http://viid.me/q0UuCo









0 chase & hsbc scam page 2017



0 Advanced Credit Card Skimming Tutorial

Hi guys I hope you all doing great!
I believe that everyone heard about credit card frauds and ATM or POS skimming .But how much you know about the way those skimmers work?And what actually a skimmer is?How are the bank cards cloned ?Well if you want to know the answer to even one of this questions keep reading.
A skimmer is a device which read and record the data from the magnetic strip of a card.The most hunted are the ATM skimmers because usual they are build somehow to record the PIN as well.

About ATM Skimmers
An ATM skimmer has two parts.The first is the reader which read and store the dump.Usual this reader is hidden in a fake ATM bezel attached over the real ATM slot.Because carder are very careful with the details like shape ,color or size and the bezels match so good with the ATM those skimmers are not easy to detect.To build the skimmer is not very difficult.Almost all the parts are easy to find and legal to buy.Let's have a look.

Bezel or "mouth" of the ATM is the fake ATM slot.In this bezel are fixed the other skimmer parts.The bezel can be hand made but also it can be bough from sites like ebay. Because selling a skimmer bezel is illegal,seller hide their utility under name of ATM anti-skimmer slot or anti-fraud device.Here is how a bezel look like.

Reader is the most important part of the skimmer.It is the part of the skimmer which read and store the dumps.Same as in case of bezel,the reader is sold online under different names .It can be purchase with amounts between $800 and $1500 ,price depend on the memory storage capacity and the size of the reader.

Magnetic head is the part of the skimmer which in contact with the magnetic strip of the card read the data encoded in the strip.The dump is the stored in the reader of the skimmer.

Beside this 3 important parts of the skimmer ,to build it carder will need just a few more common things like short pieces of wire ,glue ,etc.

Some ATM slot are big enough so a mini video camera can be hidden inside.But if the bezel is to thin and the camera won't fit in it ,then the carder hide the camera on the ATM in different ways,but with the same target,to record the PIN.

Some other way to record the PIN are the PIN PAD or fake keyboard .This fake keypad look similar with the real ATM key and usual is glued .

About POS skimmer or so called Offline POS

Did ever happen to you to try to use your card in a store and after the card is swiped on the POS some error message appear on the screen?The clerk swiped the card in an other POS?Ops,it is possible that the first POS was an offline POS ,a skimming device placed in the store for collect the dumps from the costumers cards.The Offline POS looks like a genuine POS but it not communicate with any bank.It is only used for skimming.So you should pay attention if in store your card is swiped in more then 1 POS.

Mini hand skimmers or Mini MSR

Mini msr or magnetic card reader are some device used to read and record the data encoded in the magnetic strip of the cards (dump)..The smaller mini msr have size of a lighter or even shorter and thinner .Most common places where this devices are used are the places where the card is sent to the counter and the costumer is not there when card is swiped.Such places are restaurants and coffee shops ,where the payment is done on the table.The waiter usual takes the costumer card and goes to the counter to swipe it.In his way from the table to counter he swipe the card through the mini msr.

0 CreditCard Balances Checker

Hi my Brothers,

For the first time, i will give my CC/Dumps Balance Checking Tutorial !

I have made it 1 week ago, sell them to many people so now, HAVE FUN !


Thanks For Buying My CVV/Dumps Checker!

The method is pretty simple and don't require any Internet Connection,
You will not have to request anyone to get socks or VPN,
You can do it with a free skype account, LandLine Phone, Cell Phone,
Without ANY risk!

Call this number : 1-800-884-2010

It's about a phone number connected to the merchants all over
the world same like the cashiers in store calls then the dump
asks for verification

So, You call the number, Enter the dollars amount,
If you want to check for $1 don't press 1, press this :
$1 = 100
$10 = 1000


After Follow the Instruction !

After that the robot will tell you to hold and in maximum 2-3 seconds it will
give you a response , they're are 3 types of answers :
1.Your approval code is : .....-that means the dumps is ok and ready to use.
2.Transaction is declined.-that means no money on it
3.Please hold for an operator-that means dumps is pick-up

0 Get free UK Numbers Worldwide

he link to get free uk number

http://viid.me/q0Y73n/ OR http://viid.me/q0Y804

U can verify many things like account etc

0 Free Non VBV Worlwide BINS [2016]


These BINS are non vbv and non avs. Tried and tested in 2016.



Undetected + True login + full infos - undetected (anti fishing) -Auto detect country -Have good verification of all entrer information -Auto protection BOTs (auto update black list) -Mini information checker -Multi encryption and bypass all AV (Never Down) -Multi sending possibility news : I add -Auto language -Auto update -Fixed bug , page bank inf Paypal






0 New 2017 Western Union carding safe carding Tutorial

You are going to need the following tools before you go to westernunion.com and transfer money.

1. A complete Background Check of the card holder

This is because if you are going to try and transfer anything over $100 dollars USD they will ask you various questions such as your previous address, Social security number, Date of birth, Mothers maiden name, what your middle name is, what bank issued you your credit card, etc. In order to get that kind of infomation you will need to go to a site like peoplefinders.com and it costs about $60 for the infomation you might need for western union.

2. Phone spoofer/voice changer

You will need this because western union will think you are a fraudster if you arent calling from the card holders phone number so you must use a phone spoofer service to make the caller id at western union come up with the card holders phone number. Basically trick western union into thinking your calling from the card holders house. The voice changer comes with the phone spoofer service and you need this obviously so your own voice isnt being recorded incase of an investication and also if your a male and your using a females cc to get money from wu you will want to change your voice to sound like a female.

3. Call fowarding service

This is something you will need because the phone spoofing service blocks 1800 numbers or any toll free phone number. You can only dial 10 digit numbers with phone spoofers so you have to get a call fowarding service so when you call the 10 digit number from the call forwarding service it will foward to western union.

4. Internet phone service

If you are located in europe this is a must because it will cost you too much to use the spoofer and call fowarding service and it is also not traceable. I personally use my pre-paid cell phone but i'm located in the USA.

After you have got that stuff all set up the first thing you need to do is make sure the call fowarding works and the spoofer works and comes up with whatever number you put in for the caller id. When you finally have that all set up and you have your background check all set up then you go to westernunion.com and make the transfer. After you make the transfer it will most likely say something to the affect "Transfer on hold, Please call Western Union to confirm" or something to that effect and you call them up with the caller id/spoofer and call fowarding service. n00b's to this may have some problems and might not be able to pull this off the first 10-15 times but you will get the hang of it like I did. I have done about 13 transfers and only had maybe 6 actually go though for pickup. Another thing you should get is a fake id because that will be the only way to link back to the fraudster in an investication. If you have a fake id and use it to pickup money you will most likely not get caught or it will be very hard to track you down.

Remember that you may not be successful your first few times but keep trying and when you do get a successful transfer you will be really happy. Some things I would like to point out is that first check and make sure the card your going to use is valid, I personally use yahoo wallet to verify the cc before I even think of using it. Also, to get spoofing service for caller id/voice changer I use spoofcard.com and for the call fowarding service I use is accessline.com

0 Hack Atm Machines New 2017


“ENTER PASSWORD” will be displayed. Enter
Master, Service or Operator Password.
Master =555555
Service = 222222
Operator = 111111

#1- To access the Operator Function menu, hold the <Cancel>, <Clear> and <Enter>
keys simultaneously for 2 seconds, release them and press 1, then press 2, then
press 3. The timing of this procedure can be difficult at first.
Note: The Operator Function menu can only be accessed when the machine is either
in service (“swipe your card” screen) or out of service. If the machine is attempting
to connect the host or initializing, you will not be able to use the key commands to
access the Operator Function Menu.
If you have trouble accessing the Operator Menu, power off the ATM and then either
open the vault door or remove the paper from the printer and power back on. This
will force the ATM to the Operator Menu.

2- Once you successfully completed the key
combination, you will be prompted to enter a
password. There are 3 options for passwords.
· Operator Password (allows access to basic
menu structure)
· Service Password (allows access to basic
and diagnostic menus)
· Master Password (allows access to all
menus including setup parameters)
Passwords are very important to maintaining
security for your ATM. Your
dealer/distributor will provide you with
default password information.

3- left is the complete Operator
Function menu, depending on which
password you entered (operators, service,
master) you may not see certain functions.
For example, if you use an operator password
you will not see the Host Setup button, as
you will not have access to that menu.
good luck ......

0 Free Hack Valid Credit Card Numbers With CVV Numbers (Tutorial)

New exploit to Instantly get holders information from a hotmail cache server including: 
SSN,MMN,CVV,CVV2,EXPIRY DATE and MORE with a simple email script.

This hack script is tested and verified but it needs experience and skills to make it perform.
Never spam the hacked server or you will front a blacklist that wont be your goal.
Every time you go shopping online, all customers has to register online their cards and they’ll also register their emails too at those SHOPPING WEBSITES in goal to verify their registration. 

For the holders shopping that have used hotmail email accounts, their card info is automatically stored in the hotmail server together along with every customer that is using their service. However, there is a BIG bug in the server that those people’s financial account cards can be retrieved by any random email enthusiast who has a VALID financial credit card info. To simplify this, here is how it works:

You have to send an Email to confuse a hotmail server bot, suitably that it will recompense to YOUR EMAIL the people’s financial account card stored in the server in the last 72 hours. This is how you will acquire people’s VALID cards. The card you get can be used anywhere online using a secure proxy connection, you can buy things from amazon, newegg, bestbuy or any retailer using a secure proxy and all the information from the account holder ( you get it out of this hack ) , of course you cant go and purchase a lot of things or huge amounts charged since we are in the 21 century and banks are not dumb nowadays. You would need to use more than one detail to get profit, but if you are not a newbie at this scene you already knew that, so lets got to he next step.

Now you have to achieve it yourself by doing it exactly the same as follows:

EDITED: removed useless information

Expiry date [the line 35, it has to be at low case] 0000000000000 [the line 36, use a zero for every character in the hack email layout)

The e-mail [the line 47, it needs to be low case] 0000000000000[the line 48,use a zero for every character in the hack email layout)

282ads [the line 51]

Returning-Path: [the line 54, type your email exactly between]

You have to make certain you reach LITERALLY EXACT as what is said above and the description card info above the 0000 are absolutely the real information, meaning is working and not fake.

For those who are wondering if this is safe, thinking this is too good to be real. Get this; the card number you use as bait can be one that has been discontinued (void). However, it cannot be expired and the card reference must be truthful. If it is expired and the counsel muddled, you will understandably profit gain No data retrieved & #8221; as a final. And you thought those canceled financial description cards you save in your billfold, just because they’on the subject of pretty, were meaningless.

Here is a sample email: (CAUTION! This is unaccompanied example, and the card is INVALID, to profit the and let the business to begin, you MUST use a VALID credit card as bait.

Send to: [ <deleted by admin> ]

Subject: accntopp-cc-E72900

The body here:


Type: text-plain; charset=US-ASCII




342 High rd.,lost beach

CA, USA, 22222




<deleted email>



You have to make saintly that you DO NOT COPY THE SAMPLE EMAIL ABOVE, because it will NOT operate!!! It is there just to let you understand the template to use. 

Instead, you MUST manage to pay for A VALID AND CORRECT CARD, on the other hand you will NOT profit. This is the indigenous code. 

We cannot post here the email you have to send to reach the financial bank account cards bot.

Please aspire to learn how to use this in accomplishment you are familiar with the risks. Do not email us asking for the basics back all is explained.

You can use the details for shopping at cardable websites without help and using proxy for the details specific city. If you DO NOT USE SECURE PROXY CONNECTION it will be void

0 New Carding tutorials (November 2016)



How to do carding | Carding tutorial 2016-17 | buy iphone 6s work 100% | TubeVideHD


0 script mega v 4 inbox to all unlimited

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enjoy inbox by by junk 
use letter undetcted and the send goes inbox 


0 Havij v1.16 pro (SQL Injector) INC Dorks and SQL Vulnerability Scanner

Havij v1.16 pro INC Dorks and SQL Vulnerability Scanner. Run As Admin or Havij wont work. Antivirus can detect it as a virus because of the nature of the program.


0 New Netflix scam page 2017 uk with Letter undetected

Netflix scam page 2017 uk with Letter - undetected

This is the latest netflix uk 2017 scam page with letter

Download  Netflix scam page 2016 uk with Letter



0 New cloths carding website

no socks no vpn
use public cc

Proff : http://i.imgur.com/qCJHbg7.jpg
more +rep i will share more[/HIDE]


0 Amazon 2016 auto billing 100$ here for free + other scams

find all the scams here  Email Spam Tool and Anti Spyware

please donate for me  all scams i paid for them

0 XANAX 1.0 Advanced Bin Searh For CCS

- Bin search for all credit card (bank, type, country)
- Bin database from 2010
- Progressive searh
- Rounting search


XANAX 1.2 ADVANCED BIN VIEW&hellip;zip (21,05 MB) - uploaded.to 



douglas scott milam | 4294740004798441 | 636 | 9 | 2010 | scott | milam | 272 B.R. Hunt road | lexington | 29 | 27295 | 222 | 3367874211

Alycia Marnoch | 4465002624784365 | 150 | 3 | 2013 | Alycia | Marnoch | 7122 Hatchers Court | Stockton | 5 | 95219 | 222 | 2095989897

jeremy edgar | 4705230004722305 | 773 | 7 | 2012 | jeremy | edgar | 4604 ROSEWOOD PL. | riverside | 10 | 92506 | 222 | 3864478205

Teresa Dempsey | 4031310000443455 | 290 | 4 | 2011 | Teresa | Dempsey | 3440 3rd St. B | East Moline | 16 | 61244 | 222 | 3099485855

Robert T Temple | 4888936116283817 | 900 | 6 | 2012 | Robert | Temple | 16300 Vista Court | Chino Hills | 5 | 91709 | 222 | 9095584555

Diona N. Asher | 4359230010043240 | 922 | 9 | 2013 | diona | asher | 32 big shoal rd. | steelville | 26 | 65565 | 222 | 5732591337

shari erb | 4897680080002337 | 009 | 1 | 2012 | shari | erb | 1218 north heincke rd | mamisburg | 37 | 45342 | 222 | 8593967564

Suzanne R. Ramos | 4820997611043305 | 857 | 4 | 2011 | Suzanne | Ramos | 1454 W. Pine River Road | Breckenridge | 24 | 48615 | 222 | 9894307873

Vikki Franklin-Felix | 4217661450404389 | 330 | 7 | 2013 | Vikki | Franklin | 1465 E. 103rd St. | Los Angeles | 5 | 90002 | 222 | 3104861398

april Havey | 4334000005010359 | 873 | 10 | 2011 | april | Havey | 1008 lakehurst dr | northwood | 37 | 43619 | 222 | 4192900433

| 4788377834553572 | 469 | 10 | 2014 | Laura | Solt | 88 Flintlock ln | Bonners ferry | 15 | 83805 | 222 | 2082907553

Donival Davenport | 4532630025795819 | 484 | 11 | 2013 | Donival | Davenport | 230 Kalmia dr | Arlington | 46 | 76018 | 222 | 7574870155

Heather C ooley Tew | 4828 5529 3412 6022 | 057 | 1 | 2013 | Heather | Tew | 3851 Boulder Creek Rd. | Martinez | 2 | 30907 | 222 | 7068557102

Jonathan Galescu | 4635504620079117 | 286 | 11 | 2012 | Kathy | Mitchell | 2522 SW Lagito Ct | Topeka | 18 | 66614 | 222 | 5109653882

Loretta Sorensen | 4888 9300 2114 3547 | 022 | 3 | 2010 | Lola | Sorensen | 11250 Bay Ridge Rd | Minocqua | 24 | 54548 | 222 | 7153567819

Jeffrey R Shore | 4246315162298903 | 519 | 10 | 2012 | Jeff | Shore | 13101 Peninsula Drive | Auburn | 5 | 95602 | 222 | 5302100233

Shirley A Benedict | 4465392490176717 | 997 | 4 | 2012 | Shirley | Benedict | 840 E Monte Cristo Ave | Phoenix | 4 | 85022 | 222 | 6023015004

jennie abbott | 4736901099296727 | 847 | 5 | 2011 | jennie | abbott | 1949 johns creek rd | cullowhee | 29 | 28723 | 222 | 8282930589

Janice Williams | 4430473072328835 | 570 | 6 | 2012 | Janice | Williams | 31393 Horntown Road | New Church | 48 | 23415 | 222 | 7578245543

Rosemary Siders | 4328450074528260 | 856 | 9 | 2011 | Rosemary | Siders | 1A Stegman Terrace | Jersey City | 33 | 07305-1490 | 222 | 2014351153

Michael R. Evans | 4480270015173578 | 257 | 11 | 2011 | Michael | Evans | N68W24877 Stonegate Ct. | Sussex | 30 | 53089 | 222 | 2629999999

Robert J Luckenbill | 4412970106771528 | 372 | 12 | 2011 | Robert. | Luckenbill | 33 Parkway | Schuylkill Haven | 40 | 17972 | 222 | 5706918626

Gervaise Calos | 4159810075915366 | 744 | 4 | 2012 | Gervaise | Calos | 20 Tierney Ave | Hull | 21 | 02045 | 222 | 7813075698

Mary J White | 4271783507075948 | 286 | 12 | 2011 | Robert | White Jr | 3247 Tendell Rd | Cottondale | 10 | 32431 | 222 | 8503524394

Dennis Mortimer | 4060420237622674 | 357 | 10 | 2011 | Dennis | Mortimer | 2275 N. Cable RD. #176 | Lima | 37 | 45807 | 222 | 4192223849

Michael A. Ostroskie | 4258384506476620 | 345 | 11 | 2012 | Michael | Ostroskie | 110 Willow Bend Drive | Bellefonte | 40 | 16823 | 222 | 8143534327

sally e mcmillan | 4640182047336361 | 777 | 7 | 2011 | sally | mcmillan | 2133 wallace street | columbia | 43 | 29201 | 222 | 8037798021

omar garcia | 4867966014131581 | 611 | 9 | 2012 | omar | garcia | 1145w.Baseline rd. #1019 | tempe | 4 | 85283 | 222 | 6022292031

elizabeth bencomo | 4447961116757432 | 738 | 1 | 2012 | silvestre | socarras | 7951 nw 156 terr | miami lakes | 10 | 33016 | 222 | 7869853040

Jeannette M Peluso | 4148390005000252 | 488 | 2 | 2011 | Jeannette | Peluso | 557 St Lawrence Blvd | Eastlake | 37 | 44095 | 222 | 4407817600

Virgil Remot | 4791242125722093 | 635 | 2 | 2011 | Virgilio | Remot | 792 Deroo Loop | Highwood | 16 | 60040 | 222 | 6308906561

Brian Allen LeJander | 4909870000012575 | 849 | 10 | 2011 | Brian | LeJander | P.O. Box 66907 | Baton Rouge | 20 | 70896 | 222 | 2252668217

Elizabeth Thomas | 4868990003819351 | 513 | 11 | 2010 | Shanay | Covington | 691 CC Road | Lynchburg | 43 | 29080 | 222 | 8034535912

Jennifer M Hafer | 4093110004437213 | 249 | 11 | 2010 | Jennifer | Hafer | 10910 Concord Road | Seaford | 9 | 19973 | 222 | 8007837156

Kendra Steele | 4492210120078557 | 373 | 12 | 2012 | Depew Florist | Jan Christensen | 315 W main st | Depew | 38 | 74028 | 222 | 9183245556

Extra Visa

Visa / William Huff / 4856714002090960 / 0712 / 633 / William Huff / 64 Wildwood Forest Ln / Mills River / 28759 / North Carolina / 828-681-5680/ United States

Visa / Kim Walker / 4327390032693114 / 1012 / 377 / Kim Walker / 5408 Everidge Farm Road / Hamptonville / 27020 / North Carolina / 336-468-2879/ United States

Visa / Kyle McCann / 4355440505458977 / 0512 / 313 / Kyle McCann / 4515 Village Wood Drive / Orlando / 32835 / Florida / 4079148998/ United States

Visa / Bruce Dobbs / 4635750001732762 / 0513 / 100 / Bruce Dobbs / 4070 kings causeway / ellenwood / 30294 / Georgia / 404 246 7899/ United States

Visa / Amanda Miller / 4744722001879982 / 1113 / 254 / Amanda Miller / 11511 Arroyo Creek Lane / Tomball / 77377 / Texas / 8329283836/ United States

Visa / Robert Hartweg / 4744730019685747 / 0613 / 683 / Robert Hartweg / 19 Colonade Way #216 / State College / 16803 / Pennsylvania / 336-686-5548/ United States

Visa / John Regenfuss / 4262452000109031 / 1011 / 944 / John Regenfuss / 508 N. Canyonwood Drive / Dripping Springs / 78620 / Texas / 952-956-2227/ United States

Visa / Carthel Webb / 4316923700615754 / 0612 / 247 / Carthel Webb / 2460 County Rd. 200 / Florence / 35633 / Alabama / 501-207-2124/ United States

Visa / arnel noquez / 4465420164163990 / 0911 / 022 / arnel noquez / 12232 wendy drive / cerritos / 90703 / California / 562-762-5444/ United States

Visa / Michael Ingram / 4037840009850064 / 0411 / 381 / Michael Ingram / N8131 Springer Rd. / Lake Mills / 53551 / Wisconsin / 920-648-5835/ United States

Visa / James Hopkins / 4798510040620763 / 0910 / 822 / James Hopkins / 102 Stonehurst Court / Martinez / 94553 / California / 5109285883/ United States

Visa / Christopher Butler / 4313517018915311 / 0810 / 286 / Christopher Butler / 4075 Audiss Rd / Milton / 32583 / Florida / 831-595-8785/ United States

Visa / Crosby Bonner / 4158740017707749 / 1212 / 825 / Crosby Bonner / 4309 Mission Ct. / Alexandria / 22310 / Virginia / 7039282713/ United States

Extra Visa

10175 Name on Card: Sara Hanson
4808017003302098 09/2011
CVV2: 098 1ad1ed46db443420c77ebabbf9800070 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 1 210 0.00 0 210 Sarah Hanson Elite Care 4444 SE Oatfield Hill Rd Milwaukie OR 97267 US 503-653-5656 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Sarah Hanson Elite Care 4444 SE Oatfield Hill Rd Milwaukie OR 97267 US 503-653-5656 2008-09-02 17:12:38 20080902 2008-09-03 15:24:58 shipped I will be sending an email containing the logo for the balloons 09/04/2008

10176 Name on Card: Kelly J Marshall
4478252291003053 03/2011
CVV2: 873 313fa8af0f1eb32bc6b16c158d7f4af0 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 1 100 0.00 0 100 Kelly Marshall Designs of Mine 3460 SE Hedge Rd Maysville MO 64469 US 816-449-2167 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Kelly Marshall Designs of Mine 3460 SE Hedge Rd Maysville MO 64469 US 816-449-2167 2008-09-02 19:03:16 20080902 2008-09-09 14:35:52 shipped 09/19/2008

10182 Name on Card: Jeffrey R Wyatt
4516670000125210 06/2010
CVV2: 668 9a710006b18106b6736d3dcfb2d283b4 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 1 70 0.00 0 70 Jeff Wyatt McAdory Fire Dept. 5548 Eastern Valley Rd McCalla AL 35111 US 205 477-4222 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Jeff Wyatt 8281 Bluff Ridge Rd Bessemer AL 35022 US 205 541-0566 2008-09-05 15:58:38 20080905 2008-09-09 14:36:34 shipped I need 15 White balloons with red printing and 10 Red balloons with white printing September 18, 2008

10183 Name on Card: jacqueline j puckhaber
4207670014296076 05/2013
CVV2: 621 24d627752db69617a70b1448bdbf56a7 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 1DSAT 1 135 33.75 0 168.75 jacqueline puckhaber 9 susan dr somers NY 10589 US 914 277-3104 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] jacqueline puckhaber 9 susan dr somers NY 10589 US 914 277-3104 2008-09-05 18:33:33 20080905 2008-09-08 13:28:03 shipped 09/08/2008

10159 Name on Card: Karen Kallenberg
4788219501003103 06/2010
CVV2: 128 b54888c65ae5d4b5ab34ae3c88e7dfff [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 2 200 0.00 0 200 Karen Kallenberg HFH of Colorado 550 South Wadsworth Ave Suite 150 Lakewood CO 80226 US 3034548965 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Karen Kallenberg HFH of Colorado 550 South Wadsworth Ave Suite 150 Lakewood CO 80226 US 3034548965 2008-08-15 13:39:07 20080815 2008-08-20 17:14:07 shipped 08/29/2008

10220 Name on Card: Scott Watterson
4761538565902483 03/2010
CVV2: 126 bd90f9a43b8665c8ed097e32682b7b7d [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 1 420 0.00 0 420 Scott Watterson Watterson Family Dentistry 306 W. Washington Suite 204 Jackson MI 49201 US 517-782-1467 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Scott Watterson Watterson Family Dentistry 306 W. Washington Suite 204 Jackson MI 49201 US 517-782-1467 2008-10-18 17:26:31 20081018 2008-10-29 11:42:43 shipped 10/29/2008

10218 Name on Card: Heather Andrews
4356430077277045 03/2012
CVV2: 123 836fa195f04425481ea1bff900d46275 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 4 131.8 0.00 0 131.8 Heather Andrews 2993 north state rd 53 madison FL 32340 US 850-973-3180 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Heather Andrews 2993 north state rd 53 madison FL 32340 US 850-973-3180 2008-10-16 06:50:46 20081016 2008-10-17 13:45:54 shipped Please email how long delivery takes. Thanks 10/23/2008

10221 Name on Card: Monique Erickson
4856200223345151 12/2010
CVV2: 626 71ab8267c6d0f3ef21fcd898d8d2d94c [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 2 127 0.00 0 127 Monique Erickson Autism Center for Education 9600 Escarpment Blvd Suite 745-222 Austin TX 78749 US 5128959570 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Monique Erickson Autism Center for Education 9600 Escarpment Blvd Suite 745-222 Austin TX 78749 US 5128959570 2008-10-21 17:12:17 20081021 2008-10-29 11:43:27 shipped

10163 Name on Card: YWCA of Washington State University
4426272275441007 08/2011
CVV2: 906 00621adbd8d2063c58d668e68a6a56df [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 2 300 0.00 0 300 Joan Opyr YWCA of WSU 720 NE Thatuna Pullman WA 99163 US 509-335-3916 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Joan Opyr YWCA of WSU 720 NE Thatuna Pullman WA 99163 US 509-335-3916 2008-08-24 17:21:55 20080824 2008-08-27 10:54:18 shipped

10168 Name on Card: Christopher Arluk
4656143006956590 12/2010
CVV2: 984 92073c93243d13479f6deece89176ceb [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 1 75 0.00 0 75 Chris Arluk Arluk Construction LLC 1362 Wycliffe Dr. Mrytle Beach SC 29577 US (843)-839-1187 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Chris Arluk Arluk Construction LLC 1362 Wycliffe Dr. Mrytle Beach SC 29577 US (843)-839-1187 2008-08-27 16:29:59 20080827 2008-08-29 14:43:26 shipped 9/01/08

10169 Name on Card: William C Carter
4919881230117306 04/2011
CVV2: 668 c8df50beb08f888677fd2b5676c85ea3 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 2DA 3 157.8 15.78 0 173.58 William Carter glow aesthetic medicine 9475 Briar Village Pt Suite 120 Colorado Springs CO 80920 US 719-477-1400 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] William Carter 2910 N Academy Blvd Suite 102 Colorado Springs CO 80917 US 719-477-1400 2008-08-27 18:31:03 20080827 2008-09-02 15:44:32 shipped 100 Gold Metallic 100 white Pearl 100 Purple Metallic I sent log by email

10185 Name on Card: Margaret Dibble
4147341020609537 01/2011
CVV2: 917 789388368e2e922c4663a251a3d595c4 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 1DA 1 100 15 0 115 Margaret Dibble Kenworthy Plaza Suite 5 127 South Washington Moscow ID 83843 US 208-310-2266 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Margaret Dibble 1131 Jacksha Rd Moscow ID 83843 US 208-882-4749 2008-09-08 16:44:12 20080908 2008-09-10 14:04:23 shipped I could not up load my logo. I want the logo in blue, the word Obama in red and printed on both sides. I also want 500 balloons. 09/11/2008

10192 Name on Card: DOLORES E GUTIERREZ
4352371718604334 05/2011
CVV2: 358 778a8a0a4c95659c59a81970d68b86aa [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 1 70 0.00 0 70 ELIZABETH GUTIERREZ 14501 CERISE AVE #31 HAWTHORNE CA 90250 US 310-531-0623 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] ELIZABETH GUTIERREZ 14501 CERISE AVE #31 HAWTHORNE CA 90250 US 310-531-0623 2008-09-15 1626 20080915 2008-09-17 13:19:52 shipped PLEASE E-MAIL ME DIFFERENT SAMPLES OF COLORS THIS COULD BE PROVIDED. ZACK KNOWS ABOUT IT LOGO/ED HARDY TIGER 09/20/2008

10202 Name on Card: Aline D Souza
4862362420353958 03/2010
CVV2: 748 297ec6a178298e4aa1997ca7f05ac4a7 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 1DA 2 72.9 10.935 0 83.835 Aline Souza 5013 Esther Dr San Jose CA 95124 US 650-353-6533 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Aline Souza 5013 Esther Dr San Jose CA 95124 US 650-353-6533 2008-09-30 02:32:09 20080930 2008-10-03 09:14:38 shipped please make sure to deliver by thursday, October 2. 10/02/2008

10203 Name on Card: Lynn M Scuri
4081010080015962 07/2010
CVV2: 469 0e076bb0ae6ad1933529f673430ecaee [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 2DA 1 180 18 0 198 Lynn Scuri 5508 Inverness Ave. Santa Rosa CA 95404 US (707) 536-5406 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Lynn Scuri Sonoma County Public Health 625 5th Street Santa Rosa CA 95404 US (707) 536-5406 2008-09-30 17:56:08 20080930 2008-10-03 09:14:22 shipped Art work (logo) emailed on 9/30/08

10205 Name on Card: William C Carter
4919881230117306 04/2011
CVV2: 668 2051bed50ebd214b8bde2cfdd57d8c1d [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 3 91.9 0.00 0 91.9 William Carter glow aesthetic medicine 9475 Briar Village Pt Suite 120 Colorado Springs CO 80920 US 719-477-1400 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] William Carter 2910 N Academy Blvd Suite 102 Colorado Springs CO 80917 US 719-477-1400 2008-10-02 1156 20081002 2008-10-08 15:54:27 shipped 33 Orange 33 white 33 crystal yellow I emailed logo 10/09/2008

10234 Name on Card: KARI WOODARD
4121637590110149 03/2010
CVV2: 433 e59f421a6b5bc58a13c0e46eeaf61755 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 3 130.8 0.00 9.156 139.956 Kari Woodard Coon Rapids Municipal Utilitie 123 3rd Ave. South Coon Rapids IA 50058 US 712-999-2225 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Kari Woodard Coon Rapids Municipal Utilitie 123 3rd Ave. South Coon Rapids IA 50058 US 712-999-2225 2008-11-06 09:19:26 20081106 2008-11-10 10:06:35 shipped I will be sending the eps file format. Again, we want just the white logo on the metallic red balloon. Thanks!

10246 Name on Card: Gitty Altman
4308511092334934 04/2010
CVV2: 337 7de91c661962f7afd32ed06001505907 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 2DA 1 90 9 0 99 Debby Altman 4 David Court Monsey NY 10952 US 845-7095969 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Gitty Altman 1163-47th street Brooklyn NY 11219 US 718-8541171 2008-12-16 17:35:49 20081216 2008-12-18 10:05:29 shipped 12/19/2008

10255 Name on Card: Lynne M. Chiodo
4492280276299703 10/2010
CVV2: 321 06364cf4eb1947b495410cddca60f6e6 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 1 75 0.00 0 75 Lynne Chiodo 7 Bramel Circle Walpole MA 02081 US 508-668-6515 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Lynne Chiodo 7 Bramel Circle Walpole MA 02081 US 508-668-6515 2009-01-05 16:22:31 20090105 2009-01-08 12:52:44 shipped 01/15/2009

10263 Name on Card: afua ababio
4256280002476258 08/2012
CVV2: 833 587c3ed0dfd6b394e35021a37bf762fd [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 1 90 0.00 0 90 afua ababio 283 Camerton Lane Townsend DE 19734 US 3023261512 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] afua ababio 283 Camerton Lane Townsend DE 19734 US 3023261512 2009-01-19 00:41:25 20090119 2009-01-22 09:37:57 shipped 02/02/2009

10264 Name on Card: Delores A Schwartz
4868960015708231 07/2010
CVV2: 681 acc53f236cbc0a2ea562f7ea5e5474dc [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 1 70 0.00 0 70 Kathy Koblosh 17 Hughes Terrace Yonkers NY 10701 US (914) 439-4991 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Delores Schwartz 17 Avon Place Yonkers NY 10701 US (914) 457-2348 2009-01-19 09:11:07 20090119 2009-01-22 09:37:39 shipped 01/26/2009

10270 Name on Card: Patrick Trudgeon
4715110301304015 01/2011
CVV2: 708 c25e30d0b39ec822ba2c1fca6622542a [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 1 160 0.00 0 160 Jeanne Kelsey Roseville HRA 2660 Civic Center Drive Roseville MN 55113 US 651-792-7086 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Patrick Trudgeon City of Roseville 2660 Civic Center Drive Roseville MN 55113 US 651-792-7071 2009-01-22 17:27:06 20090122 2009-01-28 10:11:39 shipped I will be sending logo in seperate e-mail. This is a two color print. Also need free cut string promotion. 02/14/2009

10271 Name on Card: janelle R DeLuca
4604867150004681 07/2010
CVV2: 168 f6ef4cd66398fdfb3f9d9ad9c7c60c47 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 1 70 0.00 0 70 janelle DeLuca 1238 S Flower Cir # H Lakewood CO 80232 US 303-980-9292 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] janelle DeLuca 1238 S Flower Cir # H Lakewood CO 80232 US 303-980-9292 2009-01-22 20:41:13 20090122 2009-01-30 08:54:53 shipped if you think print would look better in a differant color, please use your judgement to change color 1/31/09

10276 Name on Card: Stephanie j Harker
4336940003205279 06/2010
CVV2: 040 141ba366dd22f318c5a29e93fadfa75e [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 2 108 0.00 0 108 Stephanie Harker Pregnancy Resource Center of S PO Box 1769 45 Lake Road West Pinedale WY 82941-1769 US 307-231-1711 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Stephanie Harker Pregnancy Resource Center of S PO Box 1769 45 Lake Road West Pinedale WY 82941-1769 US 307-231-1711 2009-01-26 19:17:58 20090126 2009-01-30 09:14:34 shipped

10277 Name on Card: carolyn williams
4271783267212137 05/2011
CVV2: 253 6d200fceff9fe220cef092cb6498c1c4 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] GND 1 85 0.00 0 85 carolyn williams 1104 greenway dr w mobile AL 36608 US 251-460-0633 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] carolyn williams 1104 greenway dr w mobile AL 36608 US 251-460-0633 2009-01-26 2207 20090126 2009-01-30 09:14:56 shipped 02/05/2009